Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mini Lucifer Analysis

Time to talk about Charlie's short ass father. 

I am going to get one critique I see people bring up out the way is Lucifer's characterization changed from show to the pilot which is not true. We barely saw him in the pilot, but he was always meant to be a silly goofy little guy from the start. People use this shot from the pilot as an example that Lucifer was more of an asshole dad but let's not forget that shot from Charlie's perspective. I am not saying he is a perfect father.  He probably made an insensitive comment, laughed at her, or downright rude to her when she bought the idea of the Hotel.  

Back to his characterization Lucifer was never the mysterious ruler of Hell. Just look like old art Viv made in the past. That is a certified silly goofy little guy. 

Now that I got that out of the way, let's start with:

The Storybook

In the book, Lucifer is labeled a dreamer who had fantastical ideas. The elders of Heaven viewed him as a troublemaker and as a threat. The other angels start creating universe, leaving his ass in the dust. Lucifer and Lilith met each other because her and Adam did not get along, which is accurate. In Jewish lore, Lilith and Adam hated each other from the start. L & L realized 'Wow, we are like both dreamers and stuff' and they had the idea of Free Will. 

When Eve was made to replace Lilith as Adam's wife, they went to her to give her the Fruit of Knowledge, but it backfired, badly. Evil infects the Earth due to this and Hell was created. The elder were not happy and has a punishment sent L & L to Hell. Due to his actions, Lucifer only sees the worst of humanity which made him lose his will to dream unlike Lilith who was thriving in Hell and used her singing to empower demons. 

Look, I think that the story is full of half-truths, like Lilith and Lucifer wrote it for Charlie. Until we see flashbacks of Lucifer's time as an angel, what truly happen in the Garden of Eden, why did Lilith made a deal with Adam, and what in the world happened to Eve, I am not taking this mini backstory at face value.

I just hope that him and Eve did not sleep together because there is a controversial theory/belief about that happening and has been used by people to justify bigotry against People of Color and Jewish people. Hazbin has been criticize by people that has label racist like characters of color have gray or washed-out skin, St. Peter being whitewashed, and Rosie and Mimzy's designs being labeled as antisemitic. I am praying that he was talking about the apple and was just making shit up to get under Adam's skin.

His Design

One word comes to mind, wack. This man is no drip, that it is in the negatives. It is just white on top of white. His skin is white, his coat is white, his pants are white, and his fucking top hat is white. UGH. It is it just too much. White should never the majority of a color scheme, it would be an accent color like room molding. Even his waistcoat has white stripes on it. I know his surname means 'Light brighter' but that does not mean my eyes should be watering when looking at him for too long. 

He also got those damn shoulder pads, but he should be the only character to have them, same goes for the top hat to try to make himself 'look bigger and taller because he is 5'2. He already wearing boots to make himself look taller, so it makes sense. I am 5'1 and I can tell you, my vibe is different when I am wearing boots compared to sneakers. Speaking of boots, Lucifer clearly tucks his pants into them like what you are supposed to do because some said his legs look off like no, that is just his pants bunching up. 

I know he has basically a puppet, his head shape is just funny. Goofy looking ass.

I did an quick sketch of my take on his design. Removed the buttons across his chest because his waistcoat has vertical stripes and the buttons are horizontal. Editing his color scheme gave me a run for my money due to all the white. Remove those shoulder pads because I cannot stand them, and I will never draw them. 

Viv said that Charlie and Lucifer have the aesthetics of porcelain dolls. Lucifer looks like Charlie's brother, not her whole ass father and her being 6'6 does not help. Lucifer only looks old for someone who has been around for 10,000+ years. I do not have issue with him looking so young because he is immortal. He only looks 'old' is when looking at Alastor which is understandable. I make similar expressions whenever Alastor is on screen.

 In universe [and out for many], he is seen has a 'Pretty Boy' due to his angelic roots. Mimzy becomes awestruck even she lays eyes on him. I do heavily dislike that he is another stick in the cast full of sticks. I like Lucifer but I do not view him as attractive [in an asexual way, not in an allosexual way] in Viv's art style. I do not find characters who are unrealistic skinny as aesthetic pleasing. He looks better when people draw him with a realistic slim body type. I also like when people draw him with a little bit of chub, weight gain is not uncommon for people with depression. His body type should have been apple shape not like an apple core.

 I do dislike how fans infantilize him [the same thing happens to Niffty as well], short does not equal child/childlike, that is creepy. It does not help that Lucifer is autistic-coded and hyper fixations on rubber ducks, a product that is associated with young children. because people love to infantilize autistic people too. I do not know if this coding was intentional or not, but I know autistic traits when I see them. He is socially awkward over the phone and when interacting with the hotel residents and employees, and when trying to trash talk Adam, he mixes up 'Fuck you' with 'Fuck you up' and was confused when Charlie corrected him.

The line "Take that Depression" is pure quirky millennial type humor or something those 'Common White Girl' twitter accounts would say and not needed. Lucifer is alone in a dimly lit room, was very harsh on himself when talking about his new flipping rubber ducks that splits fire and became sad when looking at the family portrait. 

Speaking of rubber ducks, his 'silly duck man' shtick is something I do not have an issue with. He is using rubber ducks as a form of coping with his depression that got wore due to Lilith and him splitting up [it was probably not mutual because he still is wearing his wedding ring], he became a recluse and isolated himself from his duties at the King of Hell and from his own daughter, only calls her when he is bored or needs something. Lucifer is a hoarder; those rubber ducks are in very corner of his craft room, there is just piles of them. The rubber ducks probably pop up when Lilith left to do whatever she is doing in Heaven because his craft room was rubber duck free during 'Move than Anything'.

 There is empty martini glass on the floor too, this can mean that Lucifer could be using alcohol is a form of coping as well. I hope and pray that his bad coping mechanisms come up in Season 2 and handle with care. The issue with Hazbin's writing is that serious topics that many have experience or currently going through are at sometimes treated seriously but also for dark humor. We all know the major one, Angel's story of abuse is treated seriously [serious by Hellaverse standards] but in Episode 6, Sir P is dragged into a room by strangers, screaming is played for humor. I just want the topic of depression and isolation to be treated seriously too. 

I am not going to deep drive his relationship with Charlie because I touched on it in her post. I cannot wait to analyze his relationships with Lilith. Lilith is truly an enigma of a character, and a lot of fans love to characterization her is pure evil for shipping reasons and it drives me up the wall.  I am going to talk about dynamic with Al and how forced it feels in how forced it feels in a separate post.

Have a nice day, night, or whatever.